Summer and watermelon go hand-in-hand.

You Monday Challenge:

What’s your favorite summertime food?

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For me it’s watermelon. I love it when watermelon is in season - every year, about this time, I watch the sales flyer to see when watermelon goes on sale.

Not only is watermelon delicious and refreshing but it has many other surprising benefits.

Eating watermelon is a great way to keep hydrated. Did you know that watermelons are 92% water? The combination of water and fiber will fill you up without a lot of calories so eat as much as you like.

Watermelons are a great source of lycopene. They have more lycopene per serving than even tomatoes! What can lycopene in watermelon do for you?

Lycopene in watermelon can absorb both UVA and UVB radiation So when you regularly eat watermelon you are helping protect your skin. So it’s really no mistake that summer and watermelon go hand-in-hand. 😎🍉

Studies show that the lycopene in watermelon may also help with halting or preventing age-related macular degeneration.

Watermelon is good for your heart health. The lycopene in watermelons can help lower cholesterol and blood pressure. Watermelon also has vitamin A, B6, C, magnesium and potassium which are all good for heart health.

Watermelon may help reduce cancer risk. Lycopene in watermelon helps to lower IGF (insulin-like growth factor) which promotes cancer growth.

Watermelon can also help relieve muscle soreness. Citrulline, an amino acid in watermelon, boosts nitric oxide production in your body. Nitric oxide helps to improve blood flow throughout your body and can help with that muscle soreness you get the day after a great workout.

When choosing your watermelon, look for a yellow or cream-colored spot – this is the spot where the melon sat on the ground while ripening. If the spot is pale or white the watermelon may have been picked too soon. The watermelon should be symmetrical feel heavy when you pick it up. Store at room temp prior to cutting to retain the most antioxidants. And be sure to wash it before you slice it up to keep from exposing any surface bacteria to the fruit.

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How do you like to eat your watermelon? My favorite way is to simply dice it up and sprinkle it with diced fresh mint leaves. I also love to make a fruit salad with it.

You can also use it in a smoothie. Or blend watermelon with coconut milk and dark chocolate chips to make super healthy homemade popsicles.

For a simple dessert, try dipping fresh watermelon slices in melted dark chocolate—the two treats pair surprisingly well.

Your challenge this week is to enjoy nutritious and delicious watermelon.

How do you plan to enjoy watermelon?

Post in the comments below and let me know.

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